Tomaz Salamun



I should've been born in Trieste in 1884 on the Acquedotto, but it didn't turn out that way. I remember the three-storied reddish house, the ground floor with its furnished living room, my great-grandfather (my father) nervously studying the stock market reports, blowing cigar smoke and calculating quickly. When I was already four months inside my great- grandmother, there was a family council, the result of which was the postponement of my arrival for two generations. The decision was written down, the sheet stuffed into an envelope, sealed and sent to an archive in Vienna. I remember traveling back toward the light on my belly, and watching an old man fussing as he measured the shelf, taking another body from the shelf and shoving it by the head down the air shaft. I had the impression I was seven years old, and that my substitute, my grandfather, was a bit older, nine or ten. I was composed. At the same time these events disturbed me. I remember that for a time I withered, most likely because of the strong light, and then my lungs flattened like a bag. When I reached the proper tonus I fell asleep. I knew my body was down below, and in my dream I saw it many times. It was that of a slow-moving man with mustaches, a dreamer and banker his whole life. Translated by Charles Simic

Buy Yourself a Bike, Breton Guy, Buy Yourself a Bike!

Fays in the background are running short of linen. Crumpled is also the eye of Pliny the Younger. I live in leguminous plants as if in the castle. I throw them away, not to burn my bones. Xanadu is brown up to the elbows. Would you see it? Would you interrogate it if you saw it? The greatest hitchhike happens in the night while you sleep. Lord, they strip my back. They dole my skin among themselves, my upper-lip gets stronger. Always they use a clean clothes-pin, especially for the story, asking me: after your death will there be anybody to laugh? Buy yourself a bike, Breton guy, buy yourself a bike! Translated from Slovenian by Thomas Kane and the author

Cesta pomladi

Imel sem sladka jetra. Obale do neba. In hupanje kamiona s Houston Street, mračnega. Pleme je zrušilo torto. Torta je zrušila seme. Sol. Mušice. Grizem beli beli most. Tvoje zaspano, usločeno mehko kolo. Kot vitel, ki vleče čoln proti zemlji, mi dviguješ, rušiš žile. Naj steče vate, naj steče vate moj sladki sok. Rabiš me. Če ne, me ne bi trgal. Ne bi premikal svojega toplega kruha, zavitega v krpe. Sam zase si zbit, zame hrustaš. Morje krvi ne vidi utripa svojega srca. In prekanjen. Ampak ne veš kako bogat. Nosi k svojemu ugrizu. Troši. Peniš se, peniš se, rdeča kri se razbija v bel slap. O list mojega drevesa. Beli ogenj moje bolečine. Zagrabljen si, o sin moj, zagrabljen si. Odtekaš po poti od koder si prišel.

I Know

Last night, in the water where Barnett Newman's line disappeared, I drowned. I swam to the surface, like a black, dark-blue luminous blossom. It's terrible to be a flower. The world stopped. Mute, like velvet, I opened, perhaps for good. Before, with Tomaž Brejc, we talked about the mystique of finance, about the eye, the triangle, about God, possible readings of chance, of Slovenian history and destiny. Don't touch me. I'm the greatest capital just as I am. I'm the water in which the destiny of the world takes place for us. I'm dizzy. I don't understand. I know. Tonight, when I made love, I reported. I'm a black cube now, like marble or granite-from-the-other-world, a bird standing, with yellow feet and an immense yellow beak, my black feathers shining: now the eminent church dignitary, that is: they all wanted me, the blossom. I'm the pure dark blossom standing still on the surface. Untouchable and untouched. Terrifying. Translated from the Slovenian by Christopher Merrill and the author


kako zahaja sonce? kot sneg kakšne barve je morje? široko jon si slan? slan sem jon si zastava? zastava sem vse kresnice počivajo kakšni so kamni? zeleni kako se igrajo kužki? kot mak jon si riba? riba sem jon si morski ježek? morski ježek sem poslušaj kako šumi jon je če teče srna skozi gozd jon je če gledam goro kako diha jon so vse hiše slišiš kakšna mavrica? kakšna je rosa? spiš?


how does the sun set? like snow what color is the sea? large Jonah are you salty? I'm salty Jonah are you a flag? I'm a flag the fireflies rest now what are stones like? green how do little dogs play? like flowers Jonah are you a fish? I'm a fish Jonah are you a sea urchin? I'm a sea urchin listen to the flow Jonah is the roe running through the woods Jonah is the mountain breathing Jonah is all the houses have you ever heard such a rainbow? what is the dew like? are you asleep? Translated from the Slovenian by Elliott Anderson and the author Published in The Four Questions of Melancholy White Pine Press, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2007, Buffalo, New York

Kupi si kolo, Bretonec, kupi si kolo!

Vilam v ozadju zmanjkuje perila. Sfiženo je tudi oko Plinija mlajšega. V stročnicah živim kot v gradu. Mečem jih proč, da mi ne zasmodijo kosti. Xanadu je do komolcev rjav. Bi ga videli? Bi ga zaslišali, če bi ga videli? Največji štop se zgodi ponoči, ko spiš. Gospod, po hrbtu me slačijo, mojo kožo si delijo, ustnica se mi krepi. Uporabljajo vedno čisto ščipalko, zlasti za zgodbo in me sprašujejo: se bo po vaši smrti sploh kdo smejal? Kupi si kolo, Bretonec, kupi si kolo!


Jaz sem mesojedec, ampak rastlina. Jaz sem Bog in človek v enem. Jaz sem buba. Iz mene rase človeštvo. Jaz imam čisto razlite možgane, kot cvet, da lahko bolj ljubim. Včasih dam prste vanje in so topli. Hudobni ljudje rečejo, da se drugi ljudje v njih utopijo. Ne. Jaz sem trebuh. V njem sprejemam popotnike. Jaz imam ženo, ki me ljubi. Včasih se ustrašim, da me ona bolj ljubi kot jaz njo in sem žalosten in potrt. Moja žena diha kot majhen ptiček. Njeno telo me spočije. Moja žena se boji drugih gostov. Rečem ji ne, ne, ne se bati. Vsi gosti so en sam in za nas vse. Bela vžigalica z modro glavico mi je padla v stroj. Umazal sem si nohte. Zdaj premišljujem, kaj naj napišem. Tukaj živi ena soseda. Njeni otroci zelo razgrajajo. Jaz sem Bog in jih pomirim. Ob enih grem k zobozdravniku. Dr. Mena, calle Reloj. Pozvonil bom in rekel, naj mi izdre zob, ker preveč trpim. Najbolj sem srečen v spanju in ko pišem. Mojstri si me podajajo iz roke v roko. To je potrebno. To je tako potrebno kot za drevo, da rase. Drevo rabi zemljo. Jaz rabim zemljo, da ne znorim. Živel bom štiristo petdeset let. Rezabar Tarzs živi že šesto let. Ne vem, če je bil on v tistem belem plašču, ker jih še ne ločim. Ko pišem, imam drugo posteljo. Včasih se razlijem bolj kot voda, ker voda najbolj ljubi. Strah rani ljudi. Roža je najbolj mehka, če daš nanjo dlan. Roža ima rada dlan. Jaz imam rad vse. Včeraj sem sanjal, da se je moj oče sklonil k Harriet. Ustrašim se drugih žensk in zato z njimi ne spim. Ampak razdalja med Bogom in mladimi ljudmi je majhna. V Bogu je vedno ena sama ženska, in to je moja žena. Ne bojim se, da bi me gostje raztrgali. Jaz lahko dam vse, pa še zrase. Bolj ko dajem, bolj rase. Potem odplava kot pomoč za druga bitja. Na enem planetu je zbirni center za moje meso. Ne vem na katerem. Kdorkoli bo spil kaj od tega, bo srečen. Jaz sem cevka. Jaz sem Bog, ker ljubim. Vse temno imam tu, not, nič zunaj. Vsako žival lahko presvetlim. Kruli mi. Kadar slišim sokove v svojem telesu, vem, da sem v milosti. Jaz bi moral noč in dan požirati denar, če bi hotel zgraditi svoje življenje, pa še ne bi pomagalo. Jaz sem ustvarjen za to, da sijem. Denar je smrt. Na teraso grem. Od tam vidim vso pokrajino, do Dolores Hidalga. Toplo in mehko je kot v Toskani, pa ni Toskana. Tam z Metko sediva in gledava. Sonce zaide in še sediva in gledava. Ona ima roke kot šakti. Jaz imam gobec kot egipčanska žival. Ljubezen je vse. Mojzesova košara se ni nikoli razbila na skalah. Iz ravne pokrajine hodijo majhni konjički. Od Sierre piha veter. Jaz grem ljudem v usta z glavo naprej in jih ubijem in rodim, ubijem in rodim, ker pišem.

Spring Street

I had a sweet liver. Coasts to the sky. Honking of the truck on Houston street, the dark one. The tribe demolished the layer cake. The layer cake destroyed the seed. Salt. Midgets. I bite your white white bridge. Your sleepy, softly turning wheel. As a winch pulling a boat to earth, you lift, you wreck my veins. Let it flow into you, let it flow into you, my sweet juice. You need me. If not, you wouldn't tear me apart. You wouldn't move your warm bread, wrapped in rags. For you yourself are pinned together, for me you crunch. The sea of blood is not aware of the heat of your heart. And cunning. But you don't know how rich. Carried toward your bite-mark. Spend. You froth, you froth, red blood breaks into a waterfall. O leaf of my tree, white fire of my grief. You are seized, my son, you are seized. You flow away on the path from which you came. Translated from the Slovenian by Joshua Beckman and the author

The Fish

I am a carnivore, but a plant. I am God and man in one. I’m a chrysalis. Mankind grows out of me. My brain is liquefied like a flower, so I can love better. Sometimes I dip my fingers in it and it’s warm. Nasty people say others have drowned in it. Not true. I am a belly. I put up travelers in it. I have a wife who loves me. Sometimes I’m afraid she loves me more than I love her and I get sad and depressed. My wife breathes like a small bird. Her body soothes me. My wife is afraid of other guests. I say to her, now, now, don’t be afraid. All our guests are a single being, for both of us. A white match with a blue head has fallen into my typewriter. My nails are all dirty. I’m thinking hard now what to write. One of my neighbors has terribly noisy children. I am God, I calm them down. At one I’m going to the dentist, Dr. Mena, Calle Reloj. I’ll ring the bell and ask him to pull my tooth, because it hurts too much. I’m happiest in my sleep and when I write. The masters pass me along from hand to hand. That’s essential. It’s just as essential as growing is for trees. A tree needs earth. I need earth so I won’t go mad. I’ll live four hundred and fifty years. Tarzs Rebazar has been alive six hundred. I don’t know if that was him in the white coat, I still can’t make them out. When I write I have a different bed. Sometimes I start pouring out more like water, because water is most loving of all. Fear injures people. A flower is softest if you close your hand around it. Flowers like hands. I like everything. Last night I dreamed my father leaned across toward Harriet. Other women frighten me, and so I don’t sleep with them. But the distance between God and young people is slight. There’s always just a single woman in God, and that’s my wife. I’m not afraid of my guests tearing me apart. I can give them anything, it will just grow back. The more I give, the more it grows back. Then it launches off as a source of help for other creatures. On some planet there’s a central storehouse for my flesh. I don’t know which one it’s on. Whoever drinks it will be happy. I’m a water hose. I’m God because I love. Everything dark in here, inside, nothing outside. I can X-ray any creature. I’m rumbling. When I hear the juices in my body, I know I’m in a state of grace. I would have to consume money day and night if I wanted to build a life, and still it wouldn’t help. I was made to shine. Money is death. I’ll go out on the terrace. From there I can see the whole countryside as far as Dolores Hidalgo. It’s warm and soft as Tuscany, though is not Tuscany. Metka and I sit there, watching. Her hands are like Shakti’s. My mouth is like some Egyptian beast’s. Love is all. Moses’s wicker basket never struck the rocks. Miniature horses come trotting out of the level countryside. A wind blows from the Sierras. I slide headfirst into people’s mouths and kill and give birth, kill and give birth, because I write. Translated from the Slovenian by Michael Biggins


Včeraj zvečer me je tam, kjer je poniknila črta Barnetta Newmana, potopilo v vodo. Na gladino sem priplaval kot črn, temno moder svetleč cvet. Strašno je biti roža. Svet je obstal. Nemo sem se odprl, žametno, verjetno dokončno. S Tomažem Brejcem sva se pred tem pogovarjala o mistiki finančne mase, o očesu, o trikotniku, o Bogu. O možnosti branj, o šansi, o slovenski zgodovini in usodi. Ne dotikajte se me. Tak kot sem, sem največji kapital. Jaz sem voda, ki se v njej usoda sveta dogaja za nas. Omotičen sem. Ničesar ne razumem. Vem. Ponoči, ko sem ljubil, sem poročal. Zdaj sem črn kubus, podoben marmorju ali granitu z drugega sveta, ptič, ki stoji z rumenimi nogami, z ogromnim rumenim kljunim, ki se mi črno perje blešči, zdaj visoki cerkveni dostojanstvenik, to je: vsi so hoteli navaliti name, na cvet. Čist temen cvet sem, ki miruje na gladini. Nedotakljiv in nedotaknjen. Strašen.